Gathered by: Abu Mardiy Kewdirôrun At-thaqoofiy

Praise be to Allaah and blessings of Allaah be upon His Messenger and Chosen Prophet.

A wise woman should accept whatever Allaah decrees for her, and she should realize that her husband’s marrying another woman is something permissible, so she should
not object to it.

It may be that this (second) marriage will make him more chaste and prevent him from doing something haraam.

It is very unfortunate that some women object less to their husbands doing haraam things than to their marrying another woman in a permissible manner, this is a sign of their lack of reason and religious commitment.

Your patience in putting up with your husband’s marrying a second wife will bring a special reward over and above that, for several reasons:

1. Your husband’s marrying another wife is regarded as a test and trial for you, and if you bear that with patience you will have the reward for being patient in the face of a trial.

It was narrated from Aboo Hurayrah and Aboo Sa’eed that the Prophet said: “No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allaah will expiate his sins thereby.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5642; Muslim, 2573.

2. If you accept that and treat your husband and the other wife well, you will have the reward of Al-Muhsineen (good‑doers).

3. If you feel angry because of that, but you control your anger – and controlling one's tongue is part of controlling one's anger.

Allaah says: “…who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allaah loves Al-Muhsinoon (the good‑doers)” [Sooratu Aal ‘Imraan 3:134]

You should follow the good example of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions, who were patient and sought reward even though many of them felt jealous.

If your husband goes ahead and takes a second wife then you have to be patient and content and treat him well so that you can attain the reward of the patient and the doers of good.

Note that this life is the life of trials and tests, and how quickly it ends, congratulations to the one who is patient in obeying Allaah in this life until he attains eternal delight in the gardens of Paradise.

May Almighty Allaah grant us the wisdom to understand Islaam and to live our lives to its fullest by following its teachings.

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