How Should A Muslim React To It When It Arrives?

Praise be to Allah.
A hardship, trial, and suffering are all blessings in disguise. It is a moment of test, a test that once you pass with patience, it will grant you rewards more than you can imagine. Once overcomed, that period of test will then just remain a memory of the past.

Are you already amongst those whose their hearts wonder negatively by asking questions like - 'Why is Allah testing me so much?' 'Why are bad people getting everything in life while I have to keep being patient?' 'Why me?'

We only reach out to Allah with humility, sincerity and complete devotion when we need something from Him. He loves to see us reach out to Him which is why He tests us. How can we learn patience, humility, submission and faith if we have not gone through tough times?.

The Scholars used to say that we only learn and grow in difficult times because when everything is rosy and easy, out mind work won't hard to change behavior, learn something new, explore new possibilities and meet new people. The tests of Allah are more difficult for the people who have strong faith like a coach will give tougher challenges to his favorite athletes.

Allah makes it clear in the Quran that tests for believers are not just a possibility but a certainty.

He said (Interpretation of its meaning): “And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.” [Quran 2:155]

In another verse, He said (Interpretation of its meaning): “[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.” [Al-Qur'an 67:2]

Another verse of the Quran, Allah said (Interpretation of its meaning): “Or you think that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty, ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who had faith with him said, 'When will the Help of Allah come?' Yes! Indeed Allah's help is close!” [Al-Qur'an 2:214]

We always have a choice to be obedient to Allah and to disobey Him. We (Muslims) chose to surrender to Him because we believe this is the right path. We know that life is charming with sins, but we stay away from sins because we believe sins ruin peace. So we should not try to compare our lives with sinful people, but with pious people. You will see that it is usually the poor people who spend most time in the mosque.

Our beloved Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, was tried the most among believers. He was an orphan. He had to bear loss of his wife, son and his beloved uncles. He had to leave Makkah because of hostilities of polytheist. He faced attacks and even suffered defeat. He suffered hunger even till the end of his life. He promptly gave away in charity the expensive items he received as gift.

You should reflect and see if your tests are more difficult to bear. If the most loved person of Allah can face such difficulties, who are we to seek life of comfort without any challenges. If you persist in prayers and dhikr (especially Istighfar) Allah will make your affairs easy and will increase your patience. May Allah make our affairs easy.

One should be joyous!. Yes. That Allah is testing you!. That Allah has given you an opportunity because Allah loves you and wants the best for you.

It is your patience that will get you through, because you have complete faith in Allaah that He will make it alright. There is nothing worth worrying about when your life is controlled and is in the Hands of Allaah The Almighty, The Compassionate, The Most Loving. Run to Him for help. Run to Allaah to find solace that this time will be over. Run to Him for that is what He is testing you for.

As recorded in Buhari and Muslim: The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever Allah wants good for him, he puts them to test. He puts them through difficulties. Like a diamond or some metal that has to be burnt and then that which is bad from it is removed so that you have that which is the pure diamond or the pure gold or whatever. Put them to tests, trials and difficulties."

One must understand that this world is run by Allah. That; one has no control over anything. All that happen, is by the will of Allah. You have no power to steer it your way. As we are aware, this world is a place of test, and being so, all that is in it is a test. It will last for only a period of time, and then Allah will make it better thereafter. No hardship is without purpose, no suffering is without reward.

The world will run as Allaah wills it to, there is no point in worrying or crying about what comes as difficult. We only need to believe and turn to Him, Belive and have faith, Belive and earn rewards and the Love of Allah follows suit.

We are Muslims, we are believers in Allah, then why weep at a difficult time, when we actually know, He is in control of every aspect of life and its affairs. In fact, that time you're going through that test, is the chance to get closer to the Almighty and that is the chance to earn more rewards and that is the chance to show the strength of your faith by leaving it all up to Allaah and being Patient.

So welcome your hardships for they are blessings in disguise. Know that Allah loves you, that is why He wishes to purify you by testing you. Allah loves you and He has given you an opportunity to come close to Him, that is why He is trying you. Allah loves you and that is why He has allowed you to earn more rewards, for keeping you in that suffering. He loves you and that is why He put you through tribulations to test your faith and love for Him. Allah loves you and will never abandon you, He just wishes for you to keep your faith strong in Him and earn more rewards.

May Allah not give us tribulations and trials that are beyond our faith. And He is the Source of strength.

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