Are We To Celebrate This Day?
Part 2 of 2 {concluding part}

It is known from the seerah (Biography) of the Prophet and the companions afterward that none observed any of the festivals of the Jews, Christians, Persians, Romans, etc., without a direct order (only 'Āshūrā' to be specific).

It is well documented that all said groups existed at the same time and that the Prophet and his companions interacted with them and were aware of their celebrations and festivals.

After the Prophet died, during the time of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, one of his conditions to ahl adh-dhimma (non-Muslims who elected to pay jizyah and stay in dār al-Islam, i.e., countries ruled by Muslims) that they do not openly celebrate their festivals (they were allowed to celebrate their festivals in their homes or places of worship). 'Umar wrote to his rulers in all the Muslim countries as documented in this authentic athar in Musnad al-Fārūq by Ibn Kathir (an authentic athar), among many other books:

لا تعلموا رطانة الأعاجم ولا تدخلوا على المشركين في كنائسهم يوم عيدهم فإن السخطة تنزل عليهم
Do not teach the pidgin of non-Arabs, and do not enter onto non-believers in their churches during their festivals for [Allah's] anger is upon them. [Musnad al-Fārūq, Vol. 344, pg. 344]

In another trace attributed to 'Umar that was documented by Al-Bayhaqi in his book As-Sunan al-Kubra, he made it very clear not only not to celebrate but to avoid altogether the celebrations of non-Muslims:

اجتنبوا أعداء الله في عيدهم
Stay away from the enemies of Allah on their festival. [As-Sunan al-Kubra 9/392/18862]

It is important to understand that as a Muslim, we have our own law and method, and non-Muslims have their own laws and methods and that Allah could have made us all one nation, had He willed, but He did not.

Allah speaks about that in the Qur’an (Interpretation of its meaning): “And We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture and as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you of the truth. To each of you We prescribed a law and a method. Had Allah willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so race to [all that is] good. To Allah is your return all together, and He will [then] inform you concerning that over which you used to differ.” [Surat Al-Ma'idah 5:48]

It is, therefore, crucial to stick exclusively to our own celebrations, and avoid altogether their celebrations in any form, even if just witnessing without participation.

Allah says (Interpretation of its meaning): “And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity.” [Surat Al-Furqan 25:72]

Ar-Rabī' ibn Anas said about (witnessing falsehood) that it pertained to all celebrations and festivals of non-believers. So witnessing non-Muslim festivals would be considered participating in falsehood at best, and may even be considered a path to kufr if one's intention is to copy them, as one would become one of them. The evidence of this can be found in the Hadeeth narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar: The Prophet said: “He who copies any people is one of them.” [Sunan Abi Dawud, Book 34, Hadith 12]

It is important to note that the above is not by any means a comprehensive list of all the evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah; it is merely, a collection of some of the verses, ahādith, and athār related to the topic of the article.

In Iqtidā' as-Sirat al-Mustāqīm by Ibn Taymiyyah, Vol. 1, pg. 528-530; he said: “A Muslim is not permitted to celebrate or participate in the festivals of non-Muslims and that celebrations and festivals are restricted to what has been explicitly declared through a verse [Qur'an or hadith]. He elaborated that for every nation, there is a prescribed law and method (5:48) and that those who follow such a law or method belong to said group (22:67) with festivals and celebrations being an exclusive characteristic of each group. Celebrating with them is an endorsement of their creed (which is kufr), and participating is partial kufr. At best, such an act would be a sin.” [End quote]

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya in Ahkām Ahl adh-Dhimma, Vol. 1, pp. 441, said: “Congratulating non-Muslims on one of their festivals, which equates to congratulating them on their disbelief, is agreed upon to be harām (not permitted and punishable). He elaborated that this may lead to kufr at worst, or being a sin at best, as it would be congratulating a person for committing an act of shirk, drinking wine, killing a soul, etc.” [End quote]

As celebrating Saint Valentine's Day by Muslims is relatively new in the Muslim world, there are several recent fatwas that are specific to this day.

In Fatāwa wa Istisharāt al-Islam al-Yawm, Vol. 4, pg. 37, Ibn al-'Uthaymeen was asked about celebrating Saint Valentine's Day. He responded saying: “Celebrating Saint Valentine's Day is not allowed as it is not a Muslim festival, that it commemorates love outside wedlock, and that it occupies the heart with trivial matters that were not practiced by the salaf [companions, their followers, and the followers of their followers]. He added that it is harām to celebrate the day in any form, let that be dining, drinking, clothing (specific colors or otherwise), gifting, etc.” [End quote]

The Permanent Committee had a similar fatwa (see Fatāwa al-Lagna ad-Dā'ima Vol. 3, pg. 263) and so did Abdullah Ibn Jibreen (see Fatāwa wa Istisharāt al-Islam al-Yawm, Vol. 4, pg. 35). Their opinions concur with all the above fatwas.

Based on the above evidence(s), it is no surprise that there is no known difference of opinions among scholars that can be taken into consideration. With that, celebrating this day and any other day apart from the shar‘u eid (legislated festival) is filthy and unworthy; for they are innovation.

Again, this is not meant to be a conclusive list of all fatwas on the topic; rather, the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this topic of celebrating or participating in non-Muslim festivals.

Read part one of the topic here. May Allah not misguide us after having guided us to Islam.

He (alone) is the Source of strength.