Is it possible for a person or group of people to belong to none of all the 73 sects. that the prophet said this ummah would split to. If there is, what can we call such people? Which group should we merge them with?
Jazakumullah khaeran
Aboo Lubaaba: Wa alaykum salaam warahmatullaah wabarakaatuh
All divitions, sects and groups in the name of Islaam will only be offshoots of the 73 sects as said by the Prophet.
The correct opinion is that the "Ummah" mentioned by the Prophet to be divided is the his followers(those who answered his call) not the rejects (those who reject his call) .
The scholars agreed that the 72 deviant sects of the 73 mentioned are the heads and fountains of all the erring ahzāb( groups/sects/parties/divisions) . Their names, identities, locations, languages, periods, might be different but their roots and foundations are one.
The scholars agreed that the members of the only one saved group of the 73 are united by the same foundations and principles even though they are different in colours, names, periods and languages.
The scholars agreed that the foundations of the only one saved group are the Qur'an and the Sunnah in the light of the understanding of the Salaf Şālih.
The scholars agreed that whoever or whichever group contradicts or rejects the above foundations is of the 72 deviant sects, groups or associations.
Extracted from Ask Ustaaz group 07/21/2018