Cause of Az-Zina (fornication) and its Solution
All perfect praise and adoration be to Allaah; We beseech His peace and blessings upon Muhammad (alayhi ssolaatu wassalaam).The aim of getting married has led a lot of brethren into fornication. May Allaah protect us. And Allaah permits marriage while prohibiting zina. Indeed Allaah never prohibits anything for His Slaves except that He permits something in replacement of it for them.
What is the cause of this fitnah (Az-zina)?
The major cause brethren is not far fetched and that is courtship. The Process of desiring to know the entire Jolof and Fried Rice of a brother or sister a Muslim desires to get married to. As a result of this, some of our brethren either fall into fornication or find themselves at the verge of it. Even brothers and sisters upon the manhaj are not left out; subhaanaLlaah! May Allaah protect us.
Meanwhile, the ignorance of Duaa'ul Istikhaarah has been a major tool for the spread of this fitnah. So, its either our brethren are ignorant of Istikhaarah or do not find the duaa' worth of reliance upon. We indeed wonder what a Muslim desires after submitting to the knowledge of Allaah regarding what you desire to embark upon.
Know! Oh You student of knowledge that nothing should stop you from marriage but definitely not through courtship. Moreover, you will never be able to know him or her until after marriage when you have started living together.
Indeed Courtship has led a lot of our brethren to fornication making them regret their action till the Last Day. Ask yourself oh brother and sister! May Allaah protect you! Did the Messenger (sollaLloohu alayhi wasallam) court 'Aaishah or Umm Salamah or Umm Ruqoyyah??? You desire to say: Our time is different right? Then why did Allaah say (Interpretation of meaning) that :
"Indeed the best of examples lies in Muhammad for the one craving to meet with Allaah and the day of recompense.... "
So based on this verse, do you say Allaah is not informed about the changes that will erupt in environmental and societal values? Yet He Jalla wa "alaa said (interpretation of meaning ):
"Follow him if Indeed you want to be guided"
So We understand clearly that in the following of Muhammad lies the guidance of this Ummah. May Allaah guide us.
Go and Knot that khitbah today and stop wasting time. Brethren! The time wasting gives room for the temptation of Shaytoon. Indeed your Messenger(sollaLloohu alayhi wasallam) said as reported by the Ashaabu Ssunan:
"Marry prolific and fertile women! For Indeed I will use your numbers to outcast that of the other Messengers on the day of judgement".
© Ustaaz Faarooq Aleem Al-Egbaawiy