Making Du’ā With Concentration and not Losing Hope!

If a person thinks about the meaning of the Du’ās he uttered and prays with concentration and a sincere intention, doing all those things that can help to bring about a response, Allaah The Almighty will fulfill his hopes and do the
things asked for; He will turn his distress into joy. If the Du’ā comes from a heart which is filled with faith, it will dispel worry and bring comfort.

The Scholars have mentioned many stories of people who prayed to Allaah in times of calamity and distress, and Allaah responded to their prayer and saved them from an enemy, or from drowning, or from starvation or disaster.

 One example is the story of what happened to the great Companion al-‘Alaa' al-Hadhrami, may Allaah be pleased with him, who was one of the most prominent scholars and devoted worshippers, one of the Awliyaa’ (close friends) of Allaah The Almighty, whose Du’aa’s are answered.

During the campaign against the apostates of Bahrain, al-`Alaa', may Allaah be pleased with him, pitched camp, but before the people could settle down, the camels bolted, carrying away all the provisions of the army, including their tents and water, leaving them with nothing but the clothes they were wearing. It was night-time, and they could not restrain even one camel. The people were filled with indescribable distress and alarm, and some of them began making wills to one another (because they felt that death was inevitable). Al-‘Alaa', may Allaah be pleased with him, called the people together and said: “O people, are you not Muslims? Are you not striving for the sake of Allaah? Are you not the Ansaar (supporters) of Allaah?” They said: “Of course.” He said: “Then be of good cheer, for Allaah will not forsake anyone who is in your situation.” When it was time for the Fajr (morning) prayer, he called the people to pray and led them in prayer, then he knelt up, and the people did likewise. He started to make Du’aa’, raising his hands, and the people did likewise. They prayed until the sun rose, and the people began to look at the mirages caused by the sun, shimmering one after another, all the while fervently praying.  Allaah The Almighty created a great stream of fresh water beside them. Al-‘Alaa', may Allaah be pleased with him, walked towards it, and the people followed him, then they drank and washed themselves. Before the sun had reached its zenith, the camels started to come back from all directions, bringing the supplies loaded on them, so the people did not lose anything at all, and they were able to give water to the camels. This is one of the signs of Allaah witnessed by the people during that campaign.

[Story Source: Al-Bidaayah wa’n-Nihaayah: Thikr Riddat Ahl al-Bahrayn wa ‘Awdatihim]

We  ask  Allaah,  may  He  be  exalted,  to  keep  us  safe  from  distress,  to  grant  us  relief  from depression  and  to  alleviate  our  worries,  for  He  is  the  All is  the  Ever-living,  Eternal.

[Article Source: Dealing With Worries and Stress by Ash-Sheikh Muhammad bn Sālih al-Munajjid]